Labels:banana | bulletin board | earth | fence | person | school newspaper | sidewalk | sky | table | tree OCR: and M onuments of thefe latter and perillous touching matters ofthe Th ucch wherein arcompicbenbed and Octcribed the great perfetu tiona hozrible troubles thachanc bene ibnotm practifeb by the Lomic Ozelates Special pe inthis Rcalmcof ngland ant oar lanbe from the pearcofour DC thoulande pntothe tyine nawc picient Garhered pue colleaed according tothe true copics cereificaronie wel afthc partics them lclues that fuffered. alfo outof the ibiljops Lxegitters which ter the doers checof by tobn Foxe Simprinted Landon Tohn Day owcllyng iano atocrigate Cutn pruile CgID Regic Mareft andM Dapes touchino tiong rpectal